
Cabin Rates - Monday 4 PM  to Saturday 10 AM, 5 Nights, Including HST, CAD

3 Bedroom

  • The Argyle - $2620 CAD
  • The Swallow - $3195 CAD

2 Bedroom

  • The Matildawick - $2195 CAD
  • The Teasel - $1910 CAD
  • The Lammermuir - $1910 CAD

1 Bedroom

  • The Margoletta - $1475 CAD
  • The Terra Nova - $1475 CAD
  • The Oriole - $1475 CAD

Other Rates, Including HST, CAD

  • Docking your own boat. $25/day
  • 16ft aluminum boat with 25 hp motor. $160/day
  • Pontoon boat rental. $455 / day
  • Island-Landing Ferry Trip Return, per group. $60 (one return trip is included per cabin rental. This fee is for additional trips such as mid-week trips or split-party arrivals). 
  • Tent Camping. $45/night / tent (your own tent and gear)
  • Use of kayaks, canoes - included